Friday, September 6, 2024

Can Taking A Probiotic Help With Acne

What’s The Best Way To Use Probiotics For Acne

Prebiotics & Probiotics for Acne & Clear Skin | Supplements for Clear Skin

1. Eat probiotics: As a first line of defense, I tell my patients to try to incorporate foods and drinks that are naturally rich in probiotics, like yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, and miso soup, advises Bowe.

Eat probiotic foods every day in order to see lasting benefits because they pass through your digestive system pretty quickly. And pair them with prebiotics for best results.

Topical Probiotics For Skin

In recent years, topical probiotics have become popular under the premise that applying probiotics directly to the skin will positively affect the local skin microbiome. Whilst to date there have not been many clinical trials looking at topical probiotics for skin conditions, research so far suggests that they may prevent growth of harmful bacteria implicated in acne such as Propionibacterium acnes6.

Can Probiotic Supplements Cause Acne

Probiotics can be an effective method for treating acne. They help add good bacteria to the digestive tract and have a range of health benefits. Gut health and our skin are directly linked.

However, in some cases, these supplements can have the opposite effect and actually cause and aggravate acne. There is a possibility that probiotics can disrupt the functions of the intestines. This is due to the fact that probiotics by definition are living, gut-friendly bacteria.

However, an unbalanced bacteria ratio can damage the lining of the intestines. This can allow irritating substances to enter the bloodstream. In turn, this can trigger the immune system and cause internal inflammation. This can also appear externally in the form of acne breakouts on the skin.

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Can Prebiotics Treat Acne

Not as muchresearch has been done on the effect of prebiotics on acne. Prebiotics are worthkeeping an eye on for acne treatment. But given how few trials there are,you shouldnt place too much weight on the results at this early stage:

Acne Is A Common Side Effect Of Probiotic Supplements

Why Do Probiotics Give Me Pimples

Acne is a common side effect of probiotic supplements. However, many people are unaware of this fact. Probiotics can help to regulate the skins natural flora and prevent breakouts by reducing inflammation on the face however, they may also cause acne for some users. Those individuals who experience acne as a result of probiotics may want to consider discontinuing use or switching brands for improved results.

People with skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis that are exacerbated by bacterial infections may find that taking probiotic supplements helps their condition without worsening it as antibiotics might do. However, certain medications can make one more susceptible to bacterial infection, and in these cases taking probiotics may worsen symptoms.

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Shipping Rates And Policies

Do you intend to ship your probiotic? Well, it will be worth the effort if it genuinely works. But are you ready to spend that much? Shipping involves more expenses, especially if you have to ship to a different continent.

First, you have to pay for the product itself. Secondly, you will have to pay for the export fee, and that is not all since the shipping agent is also trying to put some food on the table. But that is not the only problem here since the policies could also be unfavorable.

For example, if you have an acne today and decide to make the order, the product could even arrive at your preferred destination three weeks later when the acne is long gone. You should, therefore, go through the rates and policies carefully before making an informed decision.

In case you have to return the product for some reason, you will also have a hard time even though most of the time, the manufacturer or seller takes care of these expenses when the need arises. However, it is still not the same as when the shop would have just been a few kilometers away from your house.

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Nutrition Essentials Probiotics 30 Billion Cfu

Up next coming in 3rd we have the Nutrition Essentials Probiotics with a CFU count of 30 billion coming from a single probiotic strain Bacillus Coagulans.

The probiotic strain has been researched a lot and its been proven to be very effective with digestive issues and travellers diarrhea. Personally Im not the biggest fan of this strain, but it does seem to work well for some people.

The recommended daily dosage or one serving consists of 2 capsules, best taken in the morning and in the afternoon before a meal with some water.

This probiotic is also shelf-stable, which means that no refrigeration is needed, but unfortunately, theres a lack of information out there in regards to the allergens that this probiotic may or may not contain.

If youre super sensitive, I suggest you take a look at something like the Physicians Choice Probiotic.

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Prevention Tips For Avoiding Probiotic

The best way to reduce the chances of experiencing an adverse reaction to probiotics is by avoiding certain strains altogether. By knowing what causes these reactions, you can easily identify which products may be causing problems for you and avoid them in the future.

There are also other steps that can be taken before consuming any new supplement or treatment that will help minimize the risk of experiencing such side effects as well as aftercare tips if a breakout does occur so that damage can be kept at bay until your skin has time to heal itself naturally on its own without the help of any product or treatment.

Probiotics Dont Change The Gut Bacteria

Probiotics For Acne

The reason you are supposed to take probiotics, they tell you, is because your gut microbiome is imbalanced. The usual explanation is that you have more bad bacteria than good bacteria, which leads to gut problems, inflammation, and acne. Taking probiotics is supposed to fix this imbalance.

Theres just one problem with this. Theres very little evidence that taking probiotics changes your gut microbiome.

In 2016, Danish researchers published a systematic review of all the studies that looked at the effect of probiotic supplementation on gut microbiome composition in healthy people. Their conclusion:

This systematic review of the pertinent literature demonstrates a lack of evidence for an impact of probiotics on fecal microbiota composition in healthy adults.

Kristensen, NB, Bryrup, T & Allin, KH. Alterations in fecal microbiota composition by probiotic supplementation in healthy adults: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Genome Medicine .

In other words, taking probiotics doesnt balance your gut bacteria.

To be fair, these studies were done on healthy people, and the studies in this review were not rock-solid. So, we cannot conclude from this that probiotics are useless.

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What Is The Relationship Between Gut Bacteria And Acne

According to a theory called the Gut-Brain-Skin theory, stressful psychological states such as depression, worry, and anxiety can change the composition of the gut microbiome. This change increases the likelihood of a phenomenon called intestinal permeability, which is the ability for substances such as bacteria to pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. As the bacteria move through the body into the bloodstream, the body fights back through creating inflammation.5,6 Acne is at its core an inflammatory disease, so it makes common sense that this might lead to more acne.

Several studies have found increased intestinal permeability in about two thirds of acne patients, lending credibility to the Gut-Brain-Skin theory.5

Expand to see details of research

A 2014 article in the journal Beneficial Microbes reviewed two such studies. A century-old 1916 study found that 66% of a group of acne patients showed evidence of bacteria in the bloodstream that are found normally in the stool, suggesting that the intestinal walls in these patients were weak. No one in the control group, consisting of patients without acne, had such bacteria in their bloodstream.

Best Probiotic For Acne

As you know, probiotics are strain-specific, so in an ideal world youd take a strain proven to help acne. But heres the dilemma: we cant yet say for certain what that probiotic strain is. Its likely theres more than one or that different strains will work for different people.

Until science figures it all out, you have two options:

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Can Probiotics Worsen Acne

There’s a chance that taking a new probiotic might worsen acne, at least at first. When you alter the microbial environment in your gut, you may see temporary changes in your skin, including breakouts. One approach recommended by Mary Schook, an aesthetician and cosmetic chemist, is to give probiotics a “breakout period” before determining if they could work to treat your acne in the long run.

Studies referenced:

Kober, M., & Bowe, W. P. . The effect of probiotics on immune regulation, acne, and photoaging. International Journal of Women’s Dermatology,

Lee, Byun, & Kim. . Potential Role of the Microbiome in Acne: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine,

Salem, I., Ramser, A., Isham, N., & Ghannoum, M. A. . The Gut Microbiome as a Major Regulator of the Gut-Skin Axis. Frontiers in Microbiology,

Szántó, M., Dózsa, A., Antal, D., Szabó, K., Kemény, L., & Bai, P. . Targeting the gutâskin axisâProbiotics as new tools for skin disorder management? Experimental Dermatology,


Dr. Whitney Bowe, MD, board-certified dermatologist, Medical Director of Integrative Dermatology, Aesthetics & Wellness at Advanced Dermatology, P.C., and Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center.

Take Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Gg

The 3 Best Probiotics For Acne

This is one of the most studied probiotic strains in the world and, incidentally, its a different name for the Lactobacillus rhamnosus ST1 strain shown to help acne above . As well as supporting skin, this strain can promote good digestion and a healthy immune system. Its readily available on its own and in probiotic blends.

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What Causes Acne And Spots

Acne is caused by inflammation of the skin, and particularly affects the sebaceous glands which produce sebum, the skins natural oil that keeps it lubricated. Excessive sebum and dead skin cells block skin follicles . These blocked pores are breeding grounds for further infection and inflammation. Spots develop as papules and pustules . Although there are various factors that may trigger acne including hormonal, dietary and environmental factors, the impact of gut health should also be a major consideration.

Signs Of Hormonal Acne

The most obvious sign of hormonal acne is the location of pimples or cysts on the face.

Typically, in adults, hormonal acne affects the chin and mouth regions. It is common for women to experience hormonal acne during their menstrual cycle and menopause because this is when the female sex hormones naturally drop.

In adolescents, acne affects the T zone which is the chin, mouth, nose, and forehead. However, if there are fluctuations in hormones, acne can also affect the jaw line and cheeks.

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The Top 8 Probiotics For Acne In 2020

Acne is a distressing problem affecting not only adolescents but adults.

It can be difficult to address, and many people turn to holistic remedies in their efforts to achieve an acne free life.

While there is no guarantee that any one approach will work for an individual, theres no doubt that specialized probiotics for acne can alleviate the symptoms of acne for many people.

Probiotics are microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts will confer a health benefit to the host.

Many elements of modern life make it difficult for us to maintain the correct balance of microbiota , leading to a wide range of potential health problems.

Probiotics fight the bad bacteria and pathogens that can enter our body.

It makes sense then that taking a high quality probiotic supplement can reduce any health problem caused by bad bacteria and inflammation, such as acne.

Taking a good probiotic supplement should help with the symptoms of your acne.

In this article, we will discuss acne, probiotics and what they can do for you, and how probiotics can alleviate your acne symptoms.

We will then present our list of the top probiotic supplements for acne available today.

Do Probiotics Help Or Hurt Your Skin


Probiotics are a huge topic of conversation in health circles. You have probably heard about probiotics for gut health. You may have even seen commercials for yogurt raving about probiotic benefits.

But can probiotics do more than help with an unbalanced gut?

First of all, probiotics are live bacteria that support the healthy bacteria in your body. So, if your skin is breaking out because of bacteria, shouldnt taking a probiotic supplement help? After all, your skin is your bodys largest organ.

Well, it is a bit more complicated than that. Some studies have shown that taking probiotics orally or even topically can help prevent and treat skin conditions including eczema, acne, dry skin, and UV-induced skin damage.

How is this true? Well, prebiotics affect your gut health, and your gut affects your skin. By balancing both the good and bad bacteria in your gut, your skin also benefits from those effects.

With this, it seems like a no-brainer, right? If youre breaking out or dealing with skin ailments, you should take a probiotic supplement to help. But, it isnt that simple.

After taking a probiotic with the intent of clearing the skin, some people break out. Why?

Well, like many supplements, what you see isnt always what you get. Not all supplements are created equal. Just because you pop a probiotic doesnt mean it has all the ingredients your body needs to be balanced.

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Probiotics And Acne: The Connection

Several factors are to consider when determining if your skin reacts poorly to probiotic supplements, such as yogurt with live cultures or kombucha tea.

The first thing you should understand about how probiotics affect your body is that they need time to start working effectively against harmful bacteria in the gut.

If youre experiencing an increased amount of pimples on your forehead, nose, and cheeks, it could be because there isnt enough friendly flora living in your digestive system yet for them to do their job.

Bacteria can contaminate the skin any time it has been compromised by scratching, picking at blemishes, or even wearing dirty clothes. When this happens, you end up with an infected pimple that will typically resemble a white head with redness around it.

This type of acne breakout looks inflamed, painful, and often very raw looking! People who have these breakouts tend to experience them more frequently on their face, shoulders, and back.

May Help Reduce Acne Vulgaris

In studies, probiotics like lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillusbulgaricus were administered to 300 acne patients , . Eighty percent of the patients showed an improvement in acne and a reduction in inflammatory lesions. Another study showed that oral probiotics, paired with oral minocycline, may help manage acne , . Lactobacillus rhamnosus, when consumed for 12 weeks, showed an improvement in adult acne , . In fact, topical lactobacillus bulgaricus was used as early as 1912 to manage acne . Research shows that probiotic bacteria Enterococcus faecalis acts against propionibacterium acnes . The probiotic lotions can also decrease inflammatory acne lesions , .

Other probiotic bacterial strains found to inhibit acne include lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus gasseri, and lactococcus lactis. Administration of oral probiotic capsules was shown to reduce rosacea and acne, and even lead to complete recovery in some patients . Regular consumption of fermented milk containing lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus, over a period of 12 weeks, was also found to improve clinically-graded acne.

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What The Aad Recommends When Using Probiotics For Acne

The American Academy of Dermatology currently recommends that patients interested in using probiotics to treat acne breakouts should talk with their doctor about adding foods known to contain healthy friendly probiotics and taking an oral probiotic supplement.

Foods that are known to contain healthy microorganisms include yogurt, kefir, certain fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha beverages, tempeh, pickled foods and sauerkraut, among others. When adding probiotics in the form of foods, be sure to look at the label to verify that the food contains live and active cultures.

There are many different probiotics supplements that may be helpful in healing your skin from acne. You should definitely make sure that any supplement you select contains both Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium .

Talk with your dermatologist as well about choosing a topical probiotic to help your skin protect itself from harmful microorganisms at the surface level.

How To Take Oral Probiotics

The Best Probiotics To Take If You

Everyones gut microbiome requires a unique diet, but the best way to balance your gut flora is by incorporating foods that are naturally rich in probiotics, such as:

  • Yogurt
  • Apples
  • Flaxseed

Try to consume these foods every day, as most probiotics tend to pass through the digestive system quite quickly.

If eating foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics is impractical for you then consider choosing a good quality probiotic supplement, and when doing so be cognizant that the diversity of strains and their delivery mechanisms are both important factors to consider.

While theres little consensus on when the best time is to consume probiotic supplements, some experts suggest that if youre regularly eating prebiotics and have an adequate supply of them in your gut, then supplements are best taken on an empty stomach, when acid levels are lower. Of the billions of probiotics that enter your system, the vast majority will immediately die upon contact with your stomach acid.

Others say that whenever taking a live strain probiotic supplement, the ideal time to take it is 20 minutes after eating, right away in the morning when you get up, or immediately before going to bed for the night. The theory goes that with the right timing, more probiotics will survive your stomach acid and make their way into the large intestine and colon, where they will be most beneficial.

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